We are Tractor Media. Our specialties are 3D graphics and animation
Our dedicated artists have a combined experience of more than 40 years in the field. We’re not old, we just started early ;). We founded Tractor Media back in 2008, after having long worked together on a variety of projects.
We kindly invite you to browse through our portfolio of computer generated images and animations.
Extensive portfolio
We classified our diverse work in three areas:
To see a detailed list of what we can do for you, please check out our graphics services page.
We cherish the professional relationships we developed along all these years of activity. They are the product of mutual trust between us and our clients, and for us that means devoting ourselves to delivering 3D computer graphics at high standards, on budget and on time.
Our CGI animations were commissioned by, or used by, remarkable companies and individuals such as:
Each member of our team is at one time involved in the development of all of our products. We each have our areas of expertise and together we offer a well-rounded set of computer graphics skills.
Let’s meet the team:

Adrian Bugnar
— Lead Art DirectorKey competencies: character animation, mechanical animation, cinematography, art direction and project management.
Adrian has a Master’s degree in Video Arts, having studied at the University of Art and Design, Cluj-Napoca.

Horea Trîncă
— Lead Technical ArtistKey competencies: rigging and animation, 2D compositing and green screen keying, scripting and shader programming.
Horea has a Master’s degree in Computer Science, having studied at Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.

Vlad Borza
— 3D Modeling WizzardKey competencies: hard surface modeling, character design and 3D sculpting, exterior architectural rendering.

Darius Hancheș
— Interior Design GuruKey competencies: interior design and decoration, interior and exterior architectural rendering, image post-processing and color correction.
Darius has a Degree in Video Arts, having studied at the University of Art and Design, Cluj-Napoca.
We all possess a deep understanding of 3D modeling, realistic rendering and image composition.
All the crazy artists are held in place, with feet firmly on the ground, by:

Cristian Cherecheș
— Master of the SpreadsheetsKey competencies: writing for advertisements, publicity analysis, marketing and financial management.
Our products rarely require 3D graphics alone, so we have built a network of friends to help us with professional services for: software development, 2D design and printing, sound design and voice acting, filming on set and on location.